Lights! Camera! Murder!

A tantalizing night in Tinseltown filled with twists and terror!

After a night of accolades at the Academy Awards Show, you will attend the A-list after-party hosted by millionaire Vanity Affair. While socializing and schmoozing with Hollywood’s elite, careers will be made, secrets will be revealed, scandals will be broken, and a homicide will happen.

With a V.I.P. victim and the celebrities all suspect, you will be called upon to find the criminal by cracking this red-carpet caper.

Will it be an aspiring actress, tired of living in the shadows? A livid lover who has been pushed too far? Or possibly the teen starlet trying to attract a more mature audience?

As the night unfolds, so will a web of lies and scandals intricately woven to point you to a killer. It is up to you to uncover the clues, or the culprit will remain concealed.

Come walk the blood red carpet and enjoy a night of secrets, celebrities & scandal!

Lights! Camera! Murder!