Now is the opportunity for our community and friends to make Marquee Performing Arts Center a reality. When completed, our facility will bring unique entertainment and economic development possibilities to Winfield Main Street. We will focus on events that cannot be done or are not being done on a regular basis in other Winfield venues. We invite you to take some time to review all of our Movies, Music and More campaign information found on this page.
From the Fox to the Future
Our enduring romance with the Fox Theater began November 29, 1950, when the marquee illuminated Winfield's Main Street for the first time. It invited area patrons to buy a movie ticket — and laugh, cry, and dream. Inside the theater walls, moviegoers enjoyed fresh popcorn, afternoon matinees, holding hands, and first kisses. They walked away with a lifetime of memories.
When the Fox Theater opened, it was described as "the finest theatre in this part of the country." Over the next 60+ years, the world has changed dramatically; but the theater stands as a testament to a simpler way of life. The building closed in 2004 when B&B Theatre Group, who had purchased the building in 1980, constructed a new building and opened the Cowley Cinema 8 in the Strother Field area.
Enter Marquee, Inc. Rather than lose the historic theatre on Main Street, the nonprofit group accepted the donation of the building and began rehabilitation of the building in 2006. The experiences and memories unique to a movie house can and will be created again!
The new Marquee Performing Arts Center will continue the cherished tradition of showing MOVIES. Classics, independent films, documentaries, children's movies, and others will be shown utilizing modern video technology.
A new dimension to Main Street will be added — live MUSIC. With state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, we will feature regular music performances of all kinds.
But there is MORE, as our campaign theme suggests. Other activities will include theatrical performances and live streaming of sports and other events. And it will provide a multi-purpose facility for all forms of entertainment, education, and cultural events for all ages. The facility will also be available for rental activities. Marquee Performing Arts Center is destined to be an entertainment and cultural anchor for downtown Winfield for many years to come!

Project Overview
New exterior marquee and signage
Auditorium acoustic ceilings and walls
Modern concession area in lobby
Larger stage
Historical displays
Improved restrooms for men and women
New theater for approximately 300 patrons
ADA - Compliant doors, restrooms and ramps
State-of-the-art video, audio and lighting technology
Campaign Budget
1. Roof — $25,000 [COMPLETED]
2. Lobby Renovation — $10,000 [COMPLETED]
3. Fire Sensors & Exit Renovation — $25,000 [COMPLETED]
3. ADA Doors & Restrooms — $50,000 [COMPLETED]
3. Ceiling Repair & Painting — $50,000 [COMPLETED]
4. New Seating, ADA Ramp, Stage Extension & Screen — $100,000
5. Sound & Acoustical Engineering — $100,000
6. New Electrical & Stage Lighting — $150,000
6. Mechanical, Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Sprinkler System — $350,000
7. Wall Finishes — $40,000
7. Rehab Marquee & Exterior — $100,000
8. ADA, Contingencies, Professional Fees — $160,000
Campaign Total: $1,160,000
Naming Opportunities
We have a wide variety of naming opportunities available. If you are interested, please contact us.
Audience Areas
Lobby — $15,000
Lobby Display Case — $5,000
Concession Area [CornerBank] — $25,000
Box Office — $5,000
Restrooms (2 + ADA) — $10,000
HVAC — $100,000
Digital Projection & Sound System — $50,000
Stage Lighting System — $15,000
Theatre — $50,000
Painting & Wall Surfaces — $15,000
Carpeting — $10,000
Ambient Lighting — $10,000
Cry Room — $5,000
Projection Room — $10,000
Performance Areas
Stage [In memory of Stuart Mossman] — $25,000
Curtains — $10,000
Rigging & Structural — $10,000
ADA & Equipment Lifts — $25,000
Marquee — $100,000
Stone & Fascia Repair — $10,000
If you would like to contribute to our Movies, Music, and More campaign, please consider making a donation or volunteering with us.